Der Osterhase war bei uns im Shop aktiv und hat eine ganze Menge Ostereier versteckt. Quer verteilt durch alle Sortimente gibt es Artikel, die vom Osterhasen einen Sonderpreis bekommen haben. Am einfachsten sind diese Artikel daran zu erkennen, dass sie mit einem Osterei gekennzeichnet sind. Es lohnt also sich über die Ostertage ein wenig Zeit zu nehmen und in unserem Shop nach Ostereiern zu suchen. Das tollste ist, dass der Osterhase uns versprochen hat bis einschließlich Ostermontag jeden Tag erneut vorbeizukommen und ein paar neue Ostereier zu verstecken. Am Dienstagabend wird der Osterhase alle nicht eingesammelten Ostereier wieder einsammeln und mitnehmen.
Alle Rabatte gelten solange der Vorrat reicht und bis einschließlich 11.4.23. Jeden Ostertag kommen neue Produkte hinzu.
Das Team von fentens Kartonmodellbau wünscht Ihnen frohe Ostertage!
Advent Calendar 2022 - Day 18
Today we have a great deal from HMV in our advent calendar for you!
Seebäderschiff Wappen von Hamburg with its lasercut set for just 40 €!
The discount will be applied automatically once both articles are in the cart.
Offer is valid only troday, 18th December.
Advent Calendar 2022 - Day 17
We're adding a 5 € Coupon to every order over 25 €.
Of course, the offer is only valid today, 17th December, so order quickly and get a free coupon!
Advent Calendar 2022 - Day 16
Extraordinay aircraft models? That and more can be found in our advent calendar today!
Today we're offering a 20% discount on Reimers models if you buy at least 2!
Offer is valid only today, 16th December.
Discount is applied in the shopping cart.
Advent Calendar 2022 - Day 15
Animals! Animals everywhere!
Today in our advent calendar: 20% discount on all models of the Animal category!
Offer valid only today, 15th December.
Advent Calendar 2022 - Day 14
Today in our advent calendar: Buy 4 Ondrej Hejl models and pay only 3!
The cheapest one will be discounted in the shopping cart.
Offer valid only today, 14th December.
Advent Calendar 2022 - Day 13
Today's advent discount: 15% off all lasercut sets by Ukrainian publisher Avangard!
Get an additional 10% discount on the LCs if ordered together with an Avangard model!
Offer valid today, 13th December.
Advent Calendar 2022 - Day 12
Order your Wright Segler today and save 33%!
Todays advent offer is M.S. Oldtimer-Models' Wright Segler for 5,96 € instead of 8,90 €!
Offer valid only today, 12th December.
Advent Calendar 2022 - Day 11
Last chance! Today is the last day where the HMV Club 2022 can be ordered! As a special offer we're adding HMV Club magazine 36 (3/2021) on top today!
If you order today you'll receive magazines 37 and 38 (1/2022 and 2/2022) and magazine 36 (3/2021) on top now! The limited HMV Clubmodel 2022 and magazine 39 (3/2022) will be shipped to you shortly once they release.
Advent Calendar 2022 - Day 10
For our 10th advent calendar offer we have something special for you:
Buy 4 models from the category Lighthouses & Harbour and pay only 3! The price of the cheapest model will be deducted during checkout automatically.
Enjoy browsing!
Offer is valid only today, 10th December.