Von der zweiten in die dritte Dimension - 500 Jahre Bauen mit Karton

Von der zweiten in die dritte Dimension - 500 Jahre Bauen mit Karton

Book: From two dimensions to the third

Book: From two dimensions to the third

Heinrich Rockstroh: Die Kunst, mancherlei Gegenstände aus Papier zu formen

Heinrich Rockstroh: Die Kunst, mancherlei Gegenstände aus Papier zu formen


Von der zweiten in die dritte Dimension - 500 Jahre Bauen mit Karton

Manufacturer: AGK
Shipping weight: 1.500 kg
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This book is written in German! This book looks closely on the history and distribution of papermodels. For about 150 years - exactly since 1858 papermodels are produced in great numbers. If you add the progenitors that turned up by chance like for example the sun dial crucifix from 1529 the history of this paper product spans about 500 years. And it still continues.

Papermodel topics were and are manifold. And they changed again and again in relation to circumstances at the time. Actually they reflect them surprisingly well. That‘s why papermodels are also valued research material for cultural, economic, and social history.

A lot of historical but also modern papermodels are about architecture. The models are more or less scale models and the and some times have imaginary prototypes but show mostly actually built or at least planned buildings. Over the last decades the focus of modelers went more to technical models like ships, airplanes, and vehicles. Due to the fast development in this area with new forms every day these models often come along with a supringly high level of details.

This book presents the history of cardmodels and the research results gained in more than ten years by the „Arbeitskreises Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaues (AGK) e.V.“ for the first in one book. A fascinating walk through 500 years of European history reflected in papermodels.

Another part of this book presents two dimensional papermodel sheets compared with the three dimensional models built out of them. The fascination of this process is simply amazing.

Content: - Dieter Nievergelt: The history of papermodels(from sheets of pictures to cut out and build up sheets, predecessor of papermodels as a mass product) - Axel Huppers, Dieter Nievergelt: Development in different countries - Dieter Nievergelt: Architecture (the archetype of architectural papermodels; architecture of the world in papermodels; designing architectural models in paper) - Volkmar Grobe, Ernst Plattner: Railway (Development of original and model; paper and cardboard in railway modelling; selected papermodels; Railway from 1960 to today) - Volkmar Grobe: Trams (development of trams; trams as papermodels) - Axel Huppers: Automobiles (development of automobiles; history of papermodels of automobiles; history of military vehicles; history of papermodels of military vehicles) - Karl-Harro Reimers: Aircraft (history and development of papermodels of aircraft and spacecraft) - Dieter Matysik: Ships (history; development of modelling techniques; contests; dioramas; target group; individual designs; publishers; instructions) - Walter Ruffler: Moving models (history of moving papermodels) - Dieter Nievergelt: Lamp shades - Axel Huppers: Downloads from the internet (past, present, and future) - Katharina Siefert: Models for kids and youngsters (education and papermodelling) - Dieter Nievergelt: Advertising (product marketing; image marketing, politics, and museum educational service) - Dieter Nievergelt: Building papermodels (tools and material; building a papermodel) - Catalog: Presentation of selected papermodels - list of publishers

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Hersteller / Manufacturer:
Aue-Verlag GmbH, Korber Str. 20, D-74219 Möckmühl
Kontakt: https://www.schreiber-bogen.de/

More Information
Product typeBook
Sheet size235 x 300 mm
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